PRESS RELEASE: Needles Courthouse to Reopen One Day Per Month Starting July 2017
Needles Courthouse to Reopen One Day Per Month Starting July 2017
San Bernardino Superior Court Welcomes Two New Judges: Commissioner Winston S. Keh and Antoine F. Raphael
San Bernardino Superior Court Expands Access, Fontana Courthouse to Add Express Window for Small Claims & Landlord Tenant Filings
San Bernardino Superior Court Celebrates Juror Appreciation Week May 8-12
San Bernardino Superior Court Receives Innovation Grant
San Bernardino Superior Court Visits Thompson Elementary School to Showcase its Award-Winning Civics Program
Civil Settlement Conference Week October 23 - 27, 2017
Notice of Civil Case Filings to Move to San Bernardino Justice Center
San Bernardino Superior Court Welcomes New Commissioner, Susan Slater
Applications Deadline Extended for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 San Bernardino County Civil Grand Jury
Applications Now Being Accepted for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 San Bernardino County Civil Grand Jury